API reference

Here you can see the technical documentation.

class pypom_form.widgets.BaseWidgetRegion(page, root=None)[source]

This is the base widget region associated to a widget.

You can lookup the base widget region from a page or region form with page.getWidgetRegion('field_name') in order to enable advanced widget interactions.

For example you can get the field label, the help text, validation errors or if you have a complex widget you can expose the widget API. For example a multi selection widget with a filter feature or a reference field with a navigation popup with all the portal contents.

This way you are not only able to set or get field values but you can incapsulate complex logics in the widget region and expose them on the page or region form ready to be used


Return the widget label


Return the widget text help


Return the widget validation error


Wait for the page region to load.

class pypom_form.widgets.BaseWidget(field=None, region_class=None, options={})[source]

This is the base widget. It is not intended to be used itself but you can use it as base class for your own widgets.

You can associate widgets on schema level or the form metaclass will associate a fallback depending on the schema type if pypom_widget is missing.

You can provide your own region_class on the schema definition of overriding the region_class class attribute in your own widget implementations.


alias of BaseWidgetRegion


Returns the input selector inside the field container.

Most or times is a tuple with ('tag', 'input') but it might change depending on the widget type.

It’s up to you providing the input selector that matches your input type.


Return the input element.

If you provide a selector for the container of the input element, it will return the input element itself (preferred way if you want to use advanced widget features).

Otherwise the region root will be returned


Returns a dynamic widget region containing the root selector.

This is an internal method used by the page or region metaclass in order to be able to expose the widget region simply calling page.getWidgetRegion().

It also sets a reference to the widget itself containing the widget options on the widget region.


Returns a generated method to be attached on the PyPOM page or region.

This is an internal method used by the page or region metaclass in order to be able to generate the getter method for the field.


Returns a generated method to be attached on the PyPOM page or region.

This is an internal method used by the page or region metaclass in order to be able to generate the getter method for the field.


Serialize value. This method returns the value serialized (from model value to browser or widget internal representation).


Deserialize value. This method returns the value serialized (from browser or internal widget representation to model).

class pypom_form.widgets.StringWidget(field=None, region_class=None, options={})[source]

String widget

class pypom_form.widgets.TextAreaWidget(field=None, region_class=None, options={})[source]

TextArea widget

class pypom_form.widgets.CheckboxWidget(field=None, region_class=None, options={})[source]

Checkbox widget